The Basics
Leadership Coaching is a collaborative process to achieve goals. It involves building a relationship that focuses on understanding your strengths and gaining new perspectives. The coaching I can provide you is through definable programs that utilize therapeutic approaches and challenge-by-choice methods. This service provides for those people who are looking to make their life more holistic: meaning to have a greater understanding of their self, a greater attachment to their community, and a greater connection to their environment. This is because a leader needs a team and every team needs a leader. You create the right conditions to become a leader when you find rewarding connections with the various layers of your environment. The result is more energy and clarity to achieve your goals. More awareness of your community in the roles of leader and team player. And most importantly greater mental and physical health through positive interaction.
Areas of Specialty
My life has traveled along three prominent parallel paths of skill development and knowledge discovery. Each contributing from my personal, professional, and communal lives to enable me to serve as the best coach I can be.
Professionally, as a therapeutic counselor I have thoroughly trained and experienced an extensive amount of approaches, research, and models to address conflicts with our mental health. My focus has been on helping people understand and overcome developmental delays and aggressive behaviour along with the all-to-common histories of trauma and abuse.
Communally, as an outdoor recreation facilitator and community activist I draw on knowledge of the environment and the culture of the people. Employing approaches of risk assessment and strength-based organization. My focus has been on physical interaction with nature, the accumulative strength of community engagement, and psycho-social education to make oneself aware of who we are in our environment.
Personally, I have lived with addiction and experienced the deep valleys of depression. As a queer cis-man I found myself lost in the world where heterosexual life is the norm. My sexual maturation suffered and in my adult life I developed a sex addiction that harmed me emotionally and damaged my intimate relationships. Through time, education, and counselling I found the strength and understanding to live with and overcome my addiction.
Combining counseling, outdoor and community recreation, and personal awareness is all necessary because learn most and grow best when combined with sweat and self-reflection. When this is in practice we are able to explore these key areas:
career path development
relationship conflict
family conflict
spiritual path development
positive behavioural development
physical health development
Face-to-face Sessions: these are essential to any coaching relationship. It involves meetings in person or over an online video-chat service with a set duration to discuss your program.
Outdoor Recreation: I provide my years of outdoor guiding experience to the urban setting where you have the opportunity to hike, canoe, cycle, explore, etc.
Laser-contact: the use of text messaging, phone calls, and emails to address any pressing issues in the program.
One-step Assignments: simple activities that will take the abstract thoughts of the program and make them practical.
Meditation: moments to relax the mind by using meaningful locations.
Collaborative Problem Solving: negotiating to get what you want by solving the problems of others at the same time.
Cultural Immersion: referrals to books, podcasts, music, or films, performances and activities that may prove valuable to your program.
Professional Referral: in the case that we recognize the need for other professional care I will provide names and avenues to pursue in order to help.